Week in Review - National League (June 3-9, 1929)


A couple of things jump out at me in these standings.  First, is the New York Giants staying firmly in the driver's seat of the National League and maintaining the best record in all of baseball.  The lead over the Cardinals was 4.5 games last week and has now moved to 5 after the Giants rattled off three straight wins to end the week.  The other thing I notice is the Pirates climbing up toward where they were expected to be, with the Waner brothers leading the way and getting them over the .500 mark and in sole possession of third place.

What jumps out most to me, though, and which I'm happy to see is the Chicago Cubs start to stabilize things after the 9-game losing streak they were in the midst of last week.  While they still sit a game below .500, it's certainly an improvement over the 4 games under .500 they were during the last Week in Review.  You have to figure they are going to continue to crawl their way back toward the top, as they might have the two best offensive players in the National League.

It's also shocking how bad the Phillies have been considering the offensive firepower in their lineup.  They are the second worst team in baseball, only besting the abysmal Boston Red Sox.

Here is the Baseball-Reference page showing the actual standings on June 9, 1929.

National League - Batting Leaders







National League - Top 10 Hitters

Outside of Hornsby retaining the #1 spot, it was very hard to rank the rest of this group - and to keep some guys (particularly Mel Ott) out of the Top 10.  I'd say everyone from #2 through #8 could probably be shaken up and listed in any order and it would be reasonable.  I suspect at the pace he's on, Ott will be debuting on this list next week, but for now I had to include Riggs Stephenson since he is the only hitter in the National League above .400.

Rogers Hornsby (CHC)

1. Rogers Hornsby, Chicago Cubs (Prev: 1) (.398/.448/.738, OPS: 1.186; Other highlights: 14 HR, 60 RBI, 76 hits) - Still the best player in the game, still flirting with a Triple Crown...unless his own teammate, Hack Wilson, out-powers him going forward.

2. Lefty O'Doul, Philadelphia Phillies (Prev: 2) (.378/.447/.622, OPS: 1.069; Other highlights: 12 HR, 40 RBI, 40 runs, 68 hits) - He stays at #2 for now, but Bottomley and Hack Wilson aren't far behind him.

Jim Bottomley (STL)

3. Jim Bottomley, St. Louis Cardinals (Prev: 5) (.325/.399/.618, OPS: 1.017; Other highlights: 14 HR, 49 RBI, 46 runs, 27 BB) - His slashes still aren't as gaudy as those around him, but Bottomley is the key force in the offense of a St. Louis Cardinals team that looks poised to stay in a pennant race and not let the Giants keep pulling away.  Bottomley's power numbers remain impressive.

4. Hack Wilson, Chicago Cubs (Prev: 5) (.347/.431/.707, OPS: 1.138; Other highlights: 15 HR, 37 RBI) - Hack hits behind Hornsby, which makes his 37 RBI even more impressive.  

5. Travis Jackson, New York Giants (Prev: 10) (.367/.426/.669, OPS: 1.095; Other highlights: 11 HR, 6 triples) - Jackson might be the hottest player in the game right now, packing quite a punch between himself and Bill Terry in the Giants lineup.

6. Kiki Cuyler, Chicago Cubs (Prev: 8) (.357/.441/.577, OPS: 1.018; Other highlights: 41 runs, 65 hits, 27 BB, 11 SB) - Mr. Do-It-All for the Cubs.  It's easy to see how he scores so many runs with Hornsby and Wilson hitting behind him.

7. George Harper, Boston Braves (Prev: 6) (.397/.508/.532, OPS: 1.040; Other highlights: 36 BB)

8. Babe Herman, Brooklyn Robins (Prev: 3) (.365/.411/.596, OPS: 1.007; Other highlights:65 hits, 17 doubles, 15 SB) - Cooled off a bit from how hot he was over the last two weeks, but still leads the league in stolen bases and is hitting at an elite level.

9. Bill Terry, New York Giants (Prev: 7) (.374/.421/.514, OPS: .935; Other highlights: 40 RBI, 67 hits)

Riggs Stephenson (CHC)

10. Riggs Stephenson, Chicago Cubs (Prev: NR) (.401/.476/.563, OPS: 1.039) - The unsung hero of the Cubs lineup and the fourth Cub to appear in this list - hitting .401 means you have to be included.  I ask again, though, with this many offensive stars, how have the Cubs managed to tumble so far in the standings over the last few weeks?

National League - Pitching Leaders

ERA - Min. Innings Pitched (44)

Name Team Innings ERA
D. VANCE Robins 52.2 1.37
J. PETTY Pirates 57.1 2.2
R. LUCAS Reds 94 2.39
R. KREMER Pirates 49.2 2.54
C. ROOT Cubs 84.1 2.77
F. FITZSIMMONS Giants 73 3.08
J. MAY Reds 45.1 3.18
B. SMITH Braves 63.1 3.27
W. CLARK Robins 77 3.27
S. JOHNSON Cardinals 62 3.48
D. LUQUE Reds 75.1 3.58
C. HUBBELL Giants 75.2 3.93
J. HAINES Cardinals 63.2 4.1
P. ALEXANDER Cardinals 69.2 4.13
R. BENGE Phillies 57.2 4.21
L. FRENCH Pirates 56.1 4.31
C. HILL Pirates 52.2 4.61
B. GRIMES Pirates 87.1 4.64
G. BUSH Cubs 67.2 4.66
H. HAID Cardinals 63.1 4.69

Win Leaders

Name Team Wins
R. LUCAS Reds 6
L. BENTON Giants 6
C. MAYS Giants 6
B. GRIMES Pirates 6
8 Players Tied NA 5

Strikeout Leaders

Name Team Strikeouts
P. MALONE Cubs 39
C. ROOT Cubs 34
C. HUBBELL Giants 33
B. SHERDEL Cardinals 33
S. JOHNSON Cardinals 28
J. HAINES Cardinals 28
D. McWEENY Robins 26
W. CLARK Robins 26

Innings Leaders

Name Team Innings
R. LUCAS Reds 94
B. GRIMES Pirates 87.1
C. ROOT Cubs 84.1
C. WILLOUGHBY Phillies 83.2
W. CLARK Robins 77
C. HUBBELL Giants 75.2
D. LUQUE Reds 75.1

WHIP - Min. Inn. (44)

Name Team OBP
R. LUCAS Reds 1.09
D. VANCE Robins 1.1
J. PETTY Pirates 1.17
R. KREMER Pirates 1.21
C. ROOT Cubs 1.22
D. LUQUE Reds 1.23
C. HUBBELL Giants 1.24
B. SMITH Braves 1.26

National League - Top 5 Pitchers

Red Lucas (CIN)

1. Red Lucas, Cincinnati Reds (Prev: 1) (11 games, 10 starts, 6-3, 2.39 ERA, 1.09 WHIP, 20 Ks; Other highlights: 8 CGs, 1 shutout, 94 IP) - Lucas is starting to distance himself from the field after taking over this top spot last week.

2. Dazzy Vance, Brooklyn Robins (Prev: 2) (6 games, 6 starts, 4-1, 1.37 ERA, 1.1 WHIP, 23 Ks; Other highlights: 2 CGs) - Dazzy needs to get more work in or he might start falling a bit in these rankings.

Jesse Petty (PIT)

3. Jesse Petty, Pittsburgh Pirates (Prev: NR) (9 games, 8 starts, 5-0, 2.2 ERA, 1.17 WHIP, 17 Ks; Other highlights: 3 CGs, 2 shutouts) - Petty is establishing himself as the ace of a surging Pirates staff.

4. Charlie Root, Chicago Cubs (Prev: 3) (12 games, 9 starts, 5-2, 2.77 ERA, 1.22 WHIP, 34 Ks; Other highlights: 5 CGs, 1 shutout, 84.1 IP)

5. Ray Kremer (Prev: NR) (12 games, 6 starts, 5-2, 2.54 ERA, 1.21 WHIP, 6 Ks)


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