May 4, 1941 (Replay Baseball)


-          A walk-off win in St. Louis as the Browns bested the Red Sox 8-7 in extra innings.  The game ended on a sacrifice fly by pinch-hitter Joe Grace in the bottom of the 10th inning.

Joe Grace (Browns)

-          An error by Dodgers’ second baseman Pete Coscarart on a plat that would have ended the top of the 11th inning, ultimately allowed the Pirates an extra at-bat to drive in the winning run.  Next up was Stu Martin and he ripped a single to bring across the run that sealed the 8-7 Pirates win.  The Dodgers nearly tied it in the bottom of the inning, but Pirates left fielder Debs Garms gunned down Mickey Owens at the plate.

Debs Garms (Pirates)


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